Arm yourself with knowledge and a lot of sanitizer!
Are you afraid of getting sick this flu season? Does the thought of getting the flu shot send shivers down your spine? Are all the given side effects and warnings of the H1N1 vaccinations making your head spin? Here are some tips to help you beat the flu season, and boost your immune system for the rest of the year.
When it comes to sleep, think quality over quantity
Antioxidants boost your immune system
Eat and Drink Smart. Eating well may be difficult, especially during the holidays. Digestion requires a lot of energy from the body so try and eat lighter during the flu season. The less energy spent digesting food can be used to help defend your body against outside temperature changes and increased germ activity. Try reducing your protein intake and include more fruits and vegetables to your diet. They are low in fat and rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can boost your immune system. You can also take supplemental vitamins and minerals to compensate for the reduction of proteins. Also, make sure to get plenty of liquids, especially water. Water will help detoxify your body.
Exercise does a body good
Exercise routinely. Exercising will help boost your immune system by improving your circulatory system and strengthening your heart. Increasing your blood circulation will allow your body you immune system to respond to attacks on your body sooner. Exercise also helps to release certain hormones to increase mental activity. Increasing your mental activity will help your body react to any sickness more effectively.
Frequently wash your hands
Always Sanitize. Make sure to sanitize your hands periodically throughout the day in ADDITION to washing after the restroom. Sanitizing will kill any of the germs on your hands, which may end up near your face, and eventually inside your body. When using water and soap, make sure to wash for at least a minute with warm water. This ensure that you are effectively killing the germs off your hands. When choosing a hand sanitizer, make sure the label read at least 60% alcohol. If you choose a non-alcohol hand sanitizer, then make sure the label reads that it kills up to 99.9% of germs.
Be aware of illnesses around you
Be Cautious Around Others. Take note when the people around you begin to cough or sneeze. Remember, being cautious and avoiding are two different concepts. You don't want to offend your friends or co-workers by running away when you hear them sniffle. Just try to keep your distance when possible and sanitize after any interaction.
Listen to your body
Listen to your body. If you begin to start feeling the flu symptoms, take some over-the-counter medication immediately (i.e. Tylenol or Advil). This will help you body fight off the germs that are causing you to feel bad. If you have an aversion to taking medication, then enjoy a hot cup of tea. The caffeine in the tea will gently increase your blood flow, which will help your immune system effectively fight off any germs in your body. Plus, the warm liquid will help relax your body and mind.
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